Tax time FAQs

Tax time FAQs

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* Based on an Australian Government Rebate of %, % LHC loading, $ excess for a in . Please note the amount quoted may vary after 1 April due to base price changes and rounding adjustment.

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Tax time 2022: The nitty gritty

Find out where to find your tax statement information, how to read your statement and the answers to other questions you may have at tax time.

How will I get my tax information?

Tax information will be sent directly to the ATO, so you won’t receive a statement in the mail unless you’ve asked us to send you one.

If you lodge a tax return through myTax or with a registered tax agent, your health insurance details will be pre-filled on relevant online forms by 20 July 2022.

Lodging a paper tax return, or it’s after 20 July and the details aren’t pre-filled? View your statement via Online Member Services.

Who will receive a tax statement?

There’s an individual statement for each adult who was covered during the 2021-22 financial year as a member, spouse, partner or de facto.

All these individuals can request a statement if needed.

What’s on a tax statement?

Your statements includes:

  • The member/spouse/partner/de facto’s share of premiums that are eligible for the government rebate;
  • any rebate already received; and
  • the number of days hospital cover was held.

Premiums and rebate amounts are divided between eligible adults who were on the membership at the time payments were made. This may include adults who left the membership during the year.

I’m not the primary member, can I get a tax statement?

Yes, we can issue a statement to any eligible adult covered on a membership during the financial year.

A spouse or partner with membership access can receive information for both themselves and the primary member – and vice versa.

Adults no longer covered on the membership will receive information relevant to themselves only. Their statements won’t include information about anyone else on the membership.

What does a statement look like?

Check out this example of a tax statement.

Why doesn’t my statement show all the payments I made?

This could be because:

  • The statement shows payments received during the financial year

And this may be different to the period of cover e.g. a member paid two years’ premiums during the 2020-21 financial year, so these payments would have been reflected in their tax statement for the 2020-21 financial year, even though they were covered during the 2021-22 financial year.

  • Another adult was on the membership during the financial year

The ATO requires premiums and rebate amounts be divided between eligible adults who were covered at the time the payment was made.

  • There’s a Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) Loading on the policy

The statement only shows premiums that are eligible for rebate. If you pay a LHC loading, this portion of your payments won’t show on the statement, as rebate doesn’t apply.

Why does my ex-partner have a statement showing premiums I paid?

The ATO requires premiums and rebate amounts be divided between eligible adults who were covered at the time the payment was made. If other eligible adults were covered on the membership during the year, the premiums will be allocated between you.

Why doesn’t the statement show ANY payments this year?

Statements show payments received between 1 July 2021 and 30 June 2022. If you pre-paid your membership last year, it won’t show on this year’s statement.

Can I claim for medical costs on my tax return?

For up-to-date information please contact the ATO on 13 28 61 or visit the website.

How do I get a statement of the claims I’ve made this year?

A claims statement is available through Online Member Services (‘Benefit Statements’ link in the ‘Claims and benefits’ section). You can choose a list of claims made over the current or previous financial year, and for a nominated person on the membership.

I’ve got more questions

If your question is about your tax return, contact the ATO or a registered tax agent.

Australian Taxation Office

Ph: 13 28 61  
