Tax time FAQs

Tax time FAQs

Your Cover





* Based on an Australian Government Rebate of %, % LHC loading, $ excess for a in . Please note the amount quoted may vary after 1 April due to base price changes and rounding adjustment.

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Who receives a tax statement?

There’s an individual statement for each adult who was covered during the previous financial year, as a primary member, spouse or partner.

I’m not the primary member, can I get a tax statement?

Yes, we can issue a statement to any eligible adult covered during the financial year.

Still on the membership?

A spouse or partner who is authorised to manage the membership can access information for themselves and the primary member – and vice versa.

No longer on the membership?

Adults who aren’t on the membership anymore can only access their own details. Their statements will include the names of the other adults who were covered when the payments were made, but no other information.

What’s on a tax statement?


A tax statement details the individual’s share of:

  • Total premium paid (which is eligible for the government rebate)
  • Rebate received (if applicable)

These amounts are divided between eligible adults who were on the membership when payments were made. This may include adults who left the membership during the financial year.

Days covered

The statement also shows the:

  • Number of days the member had Hospital cover over that financial year.

This is relevant for tax purposes as the Medicare Levy Surcharge may apply for days higher earners didn’t have Hospital cover.

Note: Breaks in Hospital cover can also impact your Lifetime Health Cover status (see the rules around ‘continuous cover’).   

What does a tax statement look like?

For insight into how to read yours, see this example of a tax statement

Why doesn’t my statement show all my payments?

Here are three potential scenarios:

  1. Pre-payment

    Tax statements only show payments we received during that financial year. If you pre-paid your premium the previous financial year that payment won’t be on your statement.

    Your statement will show the number of days you were covered though, which may be relevant from a Medicare Levy Surcharge perspective.

  2. Another adult on your cover

    Premium and rebate amounts are divided between eligible adults who were covered when the payment(s) were made. Even if one of them left the membership later that financial year.

  3. Lifetime Health Cover loading

    If one (or more) adults on your cover has Lifetime Health Cover (LHC) loading, that portion of your payments won’t show up on your tax statement.

    That’s because tax statements only show the amount that was eligible for the Private Health Insurance Rebate, which the LHC part isn’t.

Why doesn’t my statement show ANY payments this year?

Tax statements only show payments we received during that financial year. If you pre-paid your premium the previous financial year that payment won’t be on your statement.

Your statement will show the number of days you were covered though, which may be relevant from a Medicare Levy Surcharge perspective.

Why does my ex-partner have a statement showing premiums I paid?

The ATO requires premium and rebate amounts are divided between eligible adults who were covered when the payment(s) were made. Even if one of them left the membership later that financial year.

How do I get a statement of the claims I’ve made this year?

You can get a claims statement via Online Member Services. You can select claims made over the current or previous financial year, and for a nominated person on the membership.

Who can I talk to about my tax return?

For questions about tax returns, please contact a registered tax agent or the Australian Taxation Office (ATO) by calling 13 28 61 or visiting